The Secret To Manifesting More Of What You Want

Who wouldn’t want to manifest more of what they want in life?

I know I do!

We all experience things we want and things we don’t want. That’s how life works.

But did you know you can actually change the probability what you experience in life contains more of what you want and less of what you don't want? It’s true.

Here’s the secret. Are you ready?

The secret is to recognize that your physical mind cannot figure out HOW something will happen in your life. You physical mind is not designed to figure out the HOW.

Think of the blue planet we live on. It rotates at a particular speed. It does this every day without any help from us. It also orbits the sun, in a perfect orbit that takes the same amount of time every year. The moon orbits our planet in the same way. Now consider all the planets of our solar system. Consider all the solar systems in our galaxy. Consider all the galaxies in the universe. They all spin and orbit in a perfect synchronicity.

Can you mind manage and control the vastness of space and all the objects in it?

I don’t think so.

We like to tell ourselves we are in control. We tell ourselves that if we focus and work hard enough at getting what we want in life, we will figure out how to get it and we will make it happen.

But that’s not how it works.

How it works is there is another part of you that is in non-physical reality that is helping you. This other self or Higher Mind or Inner Being is part of you. It shares your pain and joy. It lives all your experiences with you. It is always rooting for you and it loves you unconditionally. Whether you know it or not, your Higher Mind works with your physical mind to create your reality and everything in it.

Your Higher Mind figures out the HOW. All you need to do is figure out the WHAT. What do you want? This is a question worth asking often. Your physical mind decides what it wants (desires) and it perceives what is happing it your experience. That’s what your physical mind is designed to do and that’s all it is designed to do. Your physical mind is incapable of figuring out the HOW.

To manifest anything you want, the process is simple.

  1. Ask. Feel and visualize what you want.

  2. Feel. Feel what it is like to have the thing that you want.

  3. Allow. Follow your passion and allow your Higher Mind to bring everything you need to create the thing that you want.

  4. Appreciate. When you see something helpful, a chance meeting, an inspiration, a feeling, a synchronicity, appreciate it. Know that you are loved and that you Higher Self arranged this seemingly random situation as a way to help you. Smile when you notice this. Laugh about it. Your appreciation inspires your Higher Self to give you more.

  5. Stay Open. What you want may come to you in a form that you didn’t expect. This is because your physical mind is limited in thinking how great the outcome could be. Your Higher Mind has no such limitation. Your Higher Mind knows what you need and how to give you a better outcome that you can think of yourself. Trust it.

Don’t stress over it. Don’t worry about it. Just hold the feeling of what it is like to have the thing that you want, and allow it to come to you at its own time and in its own form.

If you can do this, you will have everything you want.


Source Is My Co-Creator


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